The life thread


Category: Product ID: 3330


The package includes

  • Energy Practice. Success and Fire. How to increase confidence and become successful.
  • Prayer for Healing. Read this prayer when you feel that you or your loved ones need physical or energy help.
  • Music of Transformation“For Time Management”. Charge your drinking water with this music, and drink it every morning, and it will heal and charge you with energy.
  • Video meditation Women of Power. Self Sufficiency. Do this video meditation in the first half of the day, so that the help of the Higher Powers comes at once. Thanks to this meditation you will find your real state of a Power Woman – the freedom of self-expression. You will feel freedom from the opinions of others, the dependence and fears associated with the evaluation of other people will disappear. You will feel the protection and patronage of the Universe and confidence in yourself. You are a free white bird!