The soul of Bos


Category: Product ID: 3336


The package includes
Read this prayer when you feel that you or your loved ones need physical or energy help.

Music of Transformation “For achieving the goals.”
Charge your drinking water with this music, and drink it every morning, and it will heal and charge you with energy.

Meditation “For self-realization”.
Do this video meditation in the morning so that the help of the Higher Powers will come immediately. Through this meditation, you will awaken the hidden talents and abilities given to you at birth. If you want to find your predestination, this meditation is for you. This meditation will help you find the path to realize yourself and achieve success in life.

A mandala for the accumulation of personal power, well-being, and the realization of ideas.
Meditate on the Mandala to accumulate personal strength, well-being, and realization of ideas daily — and you will become a real Woman of Power. The energy flow of this mandala will strengthen your vital energy, increase resistance to diseases, and fill you with vigour and endurance. It will give determination in all matters. Allow yourself this because you deserve all the best!