She brings the women to fruition as if they were flowers.
It will bring out the truth in you.
💠 Elle is the author of the international bestseller „Live Loving and Laughing“, Designer of Life, Creator of Joy
💠 Motivational Speaker for Women from All Countries and Nationalities
💠 Doctor in Issues of Healing Relationship Traumas and Traumas of Life Situations
💠 Elle Works with All Spirits of Personal and Inherited Trauma
💠 Elle Is Moderator of the Ceremony The ACTIVATION OF THE FEMININE POWER in over 300 cities around the world
💠 She has a supernatural ability to enchant and transmits this positive vibration to you through the gaze, which fills you with health, love and abundance.
Your vision of life. This is life in bright colors.
Every woman who meets Elle says: I’m great! I’m adorable! I stand firm with my feet on earth!“ It has the purest heart canal and crystal clear clairvoyance for the treatment of diseases and infections. As well as for the treatment of loneliness, chronic fatigue, depression and all the other gray colors of life. Elle conducts her retreats at an advanced level of spiritual development. She is a true student of life because she:
💠 takes on life’s
challenges easily, is 💠 a successful wife and a mother who helps
💠 millions of people successfully cope with any circumstances of life and masters them victoriously
Scientific research and the invisible world with Elle
Elle is a member of the International Women’s Institute’s Council of International Educational Programs, an ethnic researcher of the world’s intercontinental women’s cultures, and a peacemaker. She is an experienced researcher of the ancient places of power (Tibet, India, Nepal, Mongolia, USA, etc.). Elle will take you to the most sacred places on our planet with ease. She will take you on a once-in-a-lifetime journey of your dreams.
The story of her life
Her power and supernatural abilities come from the ancient female tribe of female elders, who were enlightened by a wisdom that is not accessible to ordinary people. Her grandmother managed to preserve the energy of youth and beauty at the age of 90, because it was she who preserved and handed down the ancient wisdom of the women of power, the 6 most important secrets that Elle opens up to women in our time in her seminars, caring for every woman who desires it, to change their lives for the better. Elle is the daughter of a priestess and a priest. She has spent most of her life in retreats, during which she fasted, practiced Prahna nutrition and underwent an energetic transformation. All this gave her the strength to heal with love and light and to help millions of children, animals and those in need through charitable actions around the world.
Your secret of happiness
The biggest secret of its success is that it is based on its home star – Sirius. Sirius is her home. And when you meet her, you realize that she really doesn’t come from this planet, so don’t be surprised. The people of Sirius have an inhuman love, compassion and healing powers. All of her supernatural abilities have been scientifically researched and proven. Elle has been recognized as a medical phenomenon.
As a missionary of Sirius, she came to earth to free all people from the spirit of trauma. She is a hereditary white magician, she has abilities such as telepathy and clairvoyance, she sees and corrects auras and the energetic bodies of people.
She has already made
thousands of women happy You can read her stories here:
Elle engagiert sich seit rund zwanzig Jahren in Wohltätigkeitsprojekten. Sie bietet materielle sowie psychologische Hilfe, für die am stärksten gefährdeten Bevölkerungsgruppen an:
💠 den Frauen in schwierigen Lebenssituationen einschließlich den Opfern häuslicher Gewalt
💠 den einsamen und alten Menschen und den Obdachlosen
💠 den Waisenkindern und den Kindern , die an schweren Krankheiten leiden
Elle bietet allen Menschen Hilfe an, die sich für Hilfe, Mitgefühl, Liebe und Fürsorge von anderen vereinen möchten!
Nur gemeinsam können wir Gewalt, Schmerz, Angst und Armut stoppen! Sobald Sie einen kleinen Schritt auf einen anderen Menschen zugemacht haben, – wird sich Ihre Welt stark verändern!
Finde dein Magische Objekte
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🔮 Schau dir das animierte Meisterwerk an, das die Geheimnisse der Menschheit enthüllt!
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