Individual Ritual
The healing “Chintamani”


It is beneficial to perform 3 individual rituals according to ancient tradition:
1. For oneself, addressing a specific health issue. This is a powerful energetic healing that removes the very cause of the illness. At the same time, by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you will achieve absolute health.
It is important to perform such a ritual for all close relatives. But start with at least two rituals:
2. For a man in your lineage who needs the most healing.
3. For a woman in your lineage who needs the most healing.

The Secret Power of this ritual lies in the Power of the Healing Crystal. Before humans were divided into two halves, female and male, and the lifespan of a person was 1000 years or more, the Chintamani Crystal was descended from the heart of the universe to Earth. It was a source of warmth, light, life; it healed and prolonged life. It was a living deity on Earth.

According to ancient legends, hidden from the eyes of the ignorant, the Crystal still exists on Earth today. But to touch its power, you need to have a pure heart and someone who will help you make this pilgrimage.

In the “Chintamani Healing” ritual, we will go to a sacred place on Earth to touch the sanctity and gather the living, healing Power for yourself and for everyone you love.

The shine of Chintamani will ignite a mandala of health in your aura and activate your healing abilities. As a result:
💠 Your physical body will heal.
You will direct healing energy to those you love so much: chronic diseases will pass, the pain in the bodies of your relatives will decrease, and their immunity will increase.
The DNA of your lineage will strengthen overall.
You will be able to heal your pets by touching and healing their internal organs, improving their health, and relieving the animal’s stress.
The mandala of health in your lineage will be ignited, and in your lineage will be born genius, very strong, and wise descendants.

My dear, to prepare for the ritual:
1. Listen to music of good impact that awakens the healing power within you.
Turn on the transformation music track before taking the healing session – it will help you prepare for the ritual.


2. Do this spiritual practice:


My dear, you still don’t know what ancient, great, and beautiful healing power lies dormant within you. It’s time to fill yourself with health and discover the inner healer within you.


💠 500   Ritual for the health of the physical and etheric bodies – basic health, liberation from chronic diseases, weakness, low life energy level.

💠 1000   Ritual for the health of the physical, etheric, vital, and astral bodies. Basic health, discovery of the hidden potential of the physical body, rejuvenation, prevention of serious diseases.

💠 1500   Ritual for the health of the physical, etheric, vital, astral, mental, and causal bodies. Basic health, discovery of the hidden potential of the physical body, rejuvenation, prevention of serious diseases, cleansing of karmic diseases of the entire lineage, changing DNA, removal of the death code and deadly diseases.