The Death of God

  God is the infinite space, and therefore He cannot die on one hand, as only something finite and manifested can die, not the infinite, emptiness. On the other hand, God creates this world out…

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I See The Divine In You

  In India, it is customary to greet each other with the “Namaste” gesture. It means: “I see the divine in you.” This greeting helped people to remember their divine nature and attune themselves to…

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The main cause of suffering

  The Creator has provided each being with a changing threshold of sensitivity, so that all people on this Earth suffer more or less equally. If a person lives amidst poverty and deprivation, for example,…

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The Quickest Way to Enlightenment

  G.I. Gurdjieff called his teachings Aida Yoga. It is the fastest, but also the most difficult, way to achieve enlightenment. Besides what Ouspensky wrote in his book “The Search for the Miraculous”, dancing and…

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Wonders of the flow

Beautiful, light soul, you are not reading these lines by chance! If you have found this article, it means Divine providence and your prayers have led you to this page. When you engage in spiritual…

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