The shamanic cartoon “The Chosen one from the spirits”. Trailer

The Shamanic tree. The Chosen one from the Spirits

Ancient shamanic knowledge revived:

  • What do shamanic gods and spirits look like?
  • Why is there so much suffering on Earth, and how can it be changed?
  • What shamanic realms exist, and how can one access them?
  • Why do shamans have trees in their Chadyr?


Why and how to decorate the New Year’s tree? The Chosen one from the Spirits

Ancient shamanic knowledge revived:

  • How to make Christmas toys with your own hands to make them fulfill a wish
  • Where is the place for shamanic Gods on the Christmas tree
  • How shamans ascend to the seventh heaven
  • Why the God of the past Erlik is Santa Claus
  • How to dance around the Christmas tree correctly

Secrets of the shamanic world. The Chosen one from the Spirits

Ancient shamanic knowledge revived:

  • How shamans are born
  • Who is the mother beast
  • How a shaman recovers a lost soul
  • Which shamans are more powerful, the Light shamans (from Ulgen) or the Dark shamans (from Erlik)
  • What it takes to become a shaman

In search of the shaman’s horse. The Chosen one from the Spirits

Ancient shamanic knowledge revived:

  • How to make a shaman’s drum
  • How spirits communicate with a shaman in dreams
  • What is the soul of dreams Syur
  • Why the life force Kut lives in the liver and the soul of the past Tyos – in the heart
  • Why a person can die in a dream

Mother Beast or who gave you birth? The Chosen one from the Spirits

Ancient shamanic knowledge revived:

  • Why ancient Greece has many gods, but shamans have only four
  • Mother Beast from Erlik, Ulgen, Umai, Tengri. How does this affect us?
  • How do the Gods determine a person’s destiny
  • Who are the daughters and sons of the shamanic Gods
  • How to place a Spirit into an object

Settling the spirit in an object. The Chosen one from the Spirits

Ancient shamanic knowledge revived:

  • Secrets of playing the jaw harp for true shamans
  • How to summon forest spirits and elemental spirits?
  • How does a shaman speak with the voices of animals and understand them?
  • A spell to attract the Spirit into a magical object
  • What does the all-seeing spirit Shagyr look like?

Creation of the shamanic world. The Chosen one from the Spirits

Ancient shamanic knowledge revived:

  • How god Tengri created the world
  • Why a man has five souls
  • Why the gods created the soul Syur
  • What happens to the shamanic souls after death
  • Why we remember nothing about past lives

Great Belovodye of Shamans. The Chosen one from the Spirits

Ancient shamanic knowledge revived:

  • Where is the fairyland of Belovodye located and how to get there?
  • How do ghosts appear in ancient castles?
  • How to see the past and the future?
  • How to travel to any point in space and find out what is going on with those you’re interested in?
  • Which spell should be cast to reach the fairyland?

The World of Dreams. The Chosen ones from the Spirits

  • What are lucid dreams and how can one master them?
  • Is it possible to choose your own fate? How can you do that?
  • How can you find out what the future holds?
  • How can you free yourself from the programs of poverty, failure, loneliness, and illness?
  • Is it possible to achieve absolute happiness? How can you do that?
  • Healing childhood traumas
  • What are the worlds of Pravi and Yavi, and how does one travel between these worlds?
  • How does the Land of the Ancestors look like, and how do the deceased live there?
  • How does one move from the Past to the Future? How does the World of the Future look like?
  • How to leave a lasting memory on Earth?
  • Mor and Mara – misfortune, grief, disease, death. Who can they spare and why?
  • How to reach eternity? And how does time flow there?
  • How are the great people created: the new Einsteins, Edisons, Beethovens?


Shamanic hierarchy. The Chosen one from the Spirits

Ancient shamanic knowledge revived:

  • How to live forever?
  • How does the nest determine the shaman’s power?
  • What happens with the soul of Sur during the shamanic splitting?
  • Who is the Ancestor Shaman and how to gain his power?
  • How does a shaman find Spirits Helpers?


Shamanic dissection. The Chosen one from the Spirits

  • 🕊 How do the kind spirits of Aru and the evil ones of Kara act? How can they be controlled?
  • 💍 How can one save a marriage, attain family harmony, and live in complete soul-to-soul connection?
  • 🔥 How can one gain the protection of the Ancestor-Shaman?
  • 🧟‍♂️ How does the ritual of Shamanic dissection proceed, and why do the helper spirits devour the shaman?
  • 🕊 How does a shaman acquire the gift of healing?
  • 🦠 Why does the shaman feed the spirits of Plague, Smallpox, and other diseases with their own flesh?
  • 🎀 How does the colorful ribbon on the shaman’s head help avoid complete destruction?
  • 🦴 Strong shamans have an extra bone. What does that mean?
  • ❓ Which of their organs do the helper spirits give to the shaman, and why?


About fairy-tales or Who are you: a human being or a raw material? The Chosen one from the Spirits

Ancient shamanic knowledge revived:

  • How to travel to different worlds, learn about the past and the future
  • How are people superior to all living beings and even spirits?
  • How to save your soul from the sufferings of Erlik (the god of the Past).
  • What kind of Spirits are there and why they do not change?
  • Man is not a ready-made product, but only a prototype . What does it mean?


The Dream about Poplars. The Chosen ones from the Spirits

  • How to find out what the future holds?
  • Who are they: Spirit Helpers from the world of the Future?
  • Does fate exist and can it be changed?
  • How does a soul incarnate into the body of a living being?
  • How to get protection from diseases? Journey to the world of the Past.
  • What is Erdine and how can it be used to heal people?


Shamanic Healing Ritual. The Chosen one from the Spirits

  • 🧿 How does shamanic divination work?
  • 🧝🏻‍♀️ Why is it important to gather many people for a shamanic ritual?
  • 📿 Why might a shaman remove someone during a ritual?
  • 🦌 How can one invoke the spirit of shamanic ecstasy, Tyn Bura?
  • 🐾 Why does the shaman hide the soul in the handle of the drum?
  • ✨ How can one learn to attract everything they wish for through the subtle plane?
  • 💍 Is it possible to have a shamanic husband or wife? Can one be married to a powerful guardian spirit?
  • ✨ Does Tantra exist in shamanism, and how is it practiced?
  • 😵‍💫 How do shamans explain depression?


Exorcism of the evil spirit. The Chosen one from the Spirits

  • 🧙‍♂️ Shaman’s Secret Knowledge: Where Does the Shaman Get Answers to All Questions?
  • 🌄 How to Interpret Dreams and Understand Their Meanings?
  • 💰 How to Protect Your Property, Belongings, and Material Assets? What Kind of Power Is Needed for This?
  • 🕊 Three Types of Offerings to Spirits That Solve Any Life Problems: What Should Be Given to the Spirits?
  • ⚠️ A Dangerous Encounter: What Attracts an Evil Spirit, and How Can You Protect Yourself Against Attacks?
  • 🐾 Which One of the 5 Souls Is Missing in Animals?
  • 🌈 What Needs to Be Done to Follow the Path of Your Destiny and And Avoid Tracks That Lead to Trouble


Shamanic interspaces. The Chosen ones from the Spirits

  • Who shapes your destiny? How and when?
  • What comes first: the chicken or the egg? The thought or the event?
  • Your next life is already known, watch it closely.
  • How much does your soul weigh?
  • A person is poor because they’ve gotten used to it. How do you get used to being rich?
  • A soul “for a rent”… Who gave you your soul for temporary use?


Revenge of the spirits. The Chosen ones from the Spirits

  • What should never be done at shamanic burials?
  • What is the right way to behave at sacred places?
  • What will happen if you wear the costume of a deceased shaman without permission?
  • Why is it forbidden to steal amulets and magical objects?
  • What state should one enter in order for the Spirits to help?
  • What does the abyss in which the souls of dead sinners languish look like?


Do you want to discover all the secrets of shamanism and the complete teachings of shamans?
Download the book “The Power of Lineage” for free.