Congratulations on your shamanic drum

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Course "Working with the Drum"
Instructions for Working with a Shamanic Drum

Congratulations!You are holding a genuine ritual drum in your hands.
The spirit of the drum lives within it, and this is the spirit that will help you. Throughout the year, the spirit of the drum will attune itself to you and may therefore change its voice. Please store the drum in a dry, warm place. Do not let it get wet. If the drum becomes wet and the drum skin develops waves, please do not use it. It must be taken to a dry place and allowed to dry. If the drum is left in the sun or in a very hot room for an extended period, it will dry out and begin to crack. This means that the drum is asking for water. To moisten the drum, sprinkle water inside it. At home, the drum can be kept at the altar or hung on the wall. This is the case if you have your own room. If your spiritual development is not accepted in your home, store the drum in a cover and keep it in a cabinet or on top of a cabinet.

You received the drum in a simple cover. It is advisable to either sew or buy a special cover. We recommend that the cover be made from waterproof material, such as backpack or waxed fabrics. It is also important that the walls of the cover are reinforced with a thick lining to protect the drum membrane.
It is recommended that the cover have a carrying handle or a shoulder strap or backpack-like straps to carry it on your back.
The drum is a living and ritual instrument. It feels you. And it is important that you learn to feel it. Go through several stages of training.
Each time you take the drum in your hands, take it out of the cover. Stroke the membrane of the shamanic drum. And mentally greet the spirit of the drum. Ask the spirit of the drum to awaken and help you.
1. Creating the Rhythm
Play the drum for at least 10 minutes every day for 21 days. The drum is held in the left hand, and the Kamla (mallet) in the right. The left hand is tense and firmly holds the drum. The drum does not need to be pressed against the body. It should be held in the air. The right hand holds the Kamla, but the wrist is relaxed so that you can strike easily with the Kamla. The hits are made with varying strength.
Strike and listen to the sound of the drum. Over the course of 21 days, you will learn to produce different tones from your drum.

2. Connecting with the Drum
Play the drum every day for 21 days, for at least 10 minutes, expressing different emotions on the drum. Tune into the emotions within yourself, and let your right hand create a rhythm that flows from you. Focus on a different emotion each day. Your goal is to learn how to produce different rhythms, different melodies, and to convey different states of being.
3. Journey through the Shamanic Worlds
Every day for 28 days, drum for at least 10 minutes in the shamanic worlds. It is important to have the shamanic initiation of the 4 worlds. Spend 7 days in each world, in the order of the worlds.

- The World of the Present - the World of Umaj
- The World of the Past - the World of Erlik
- The World of the Future - the World of Ulgen
- The World of Eternity - the World of Tengri
Imagine a picture before you: a shamanic map of the four worlds and icons of the gods of the four worlds. Focus on the world of the present, on the goddess Umaj. And create the rhythm of the world of the present. Mentally turn to the goddess Umaj. Dive into the shamanic world and explore it visually through an animated masterpiece
Turn to the deity of each of the four worlds for seven days each

I turn to the West
I call upon you, oh Umaj! Oh, great Mother! Preserve all that must be preserved in this world.
Oh, Mother of the West! Oh, Mother of all beings! Oh, Mother of the Earth! Preserve me as well.
All that is best in me – preserve.
I trust you.
I turn to you, oh Umaj!
Give me strength, give me the way, so that I may gain strength, that I may become a shaman, so that I can perform useful deeds for the people on this Earth.
Give me the power of Kut. Give me shamanic power.
May the strength of the Earth, the strength of fertility, enter me, so that I may help the people, so that I may fulfill my shamanic destiny.
I will play on my jaw harp, I will praise you, Umaj, who gives the power of Kut.”
Turn to the deity of each of the four worlds for seven days each.

I turn to the ruler of the North - Erlik-Khan
Oh, Erlik! Oh, all-consuming Time! Oh, the Past! I turn to You.
I turn to you, Erlik-Khan!
Take away from me everything that disturbs me, take away all the past, I give you all my attachments, I sacrifice to you, oh Erlik!
Take everything that troubles me. Take the weight that burdens me, the weight of the past.
Take this weight upon yourself, Erlik!
I offer it to you as a sacrifice. I let go of everything.

I turn to the South
I call upon you, oh Ulgen! Oh, Ruler!
I call upon you, oh Ulgen, who gives us everything anew, who creates dreams and embodies them on Earth, always creating more and more new forms.
Oh, Ruler of the Future, grant me what I need to fulfill my shamanic destiny.May I always be guided into the incomprehensible future.
May the world of Erlik never pull me into its networks of the past. I will always strive towards you, oh Ulgen.
Grant me what I need for my shamanic service.
Guide me on the path of a brilliant future, which will aid my development and perfection, oh Ulgen!
Richte mich auf dem Weg einer glänzenden Zukunft, die mir bei meiner Entwicklung, in meiner Perfektion helfen wird, Oh Ulgen!“

I stand facing East
I call upon the Father of the Universe – the Great Tengri
Oh, Tengri, your face is the all-encompassing sky. You look at us with thousands of eyes.
The stars of the sky are your eyes.
Oh, Father of Eternity, I call upon you at this time. You are the creator of my spirit. You are the creator of my immortal self.
In this moment, I turn to you, awaken my spirit, awaken Ayy, awaken me, the one asleep in eternity, so that I may see the three worlds, so that I may see that my thoughts, my feelings, my imagination are only a dream, the world of dreams.
I am not this, but I observe my thoughts, my feelings, the images that pass through my mind.
Awaken me, Tengri.
Ich sehe meinen Körper als ein Stück Fleisch, in dem sich mein ewiger Geist von Ayy befindet.
I see my body as a piece of flesh, in which my eternal spirit of Ayy resides.
I am not this body, I am only a guest in it.
Oh, Tengri, awaken me so that I may always see this.
Awaken me so that I may remember that I am your son. Awaken me, so that my spirit may dissolve into you, oh Infinite.
Which God is your soul from? In this episode,
Mother Beast or who gave you birth? The Chosen ones from the Spirits. Spiritual Channel you will find out which God is your protector.
4. Shamanic Tarot "Wisdom of Ancestors"

You will need a deck of special Tarot cards. Please contact the teachers in advance to receive a deck of cards called ‘The Wisdom of the Ancestors.’ It is also beneficial to receive a shamanic initiation:
a connection with the spirit of the ‘Wisdom of the Ancestors’ cards. During this initiation, a card deck must be present, which will be ritually handed to you. Sew a pouch for the card deck with your own hands. Only store the cards in it.
To learn more about the shamanic Tarot cards of Ancestral Wisdom and shamanism in detail, you can refer to the shamanic book Secrets of Shamanism: A Journey to the Source of Power.

5. A Shamanic Divination
Take one card each day according to the ordinal number from 1 to 33. Read the introductory article in the card guide.
Draw Card 1: Eternity of Tengri. Place the card in front of you on the altar so that you can sit and look at it. Read the card’s description.
Take the shamanic drum in your hands. Focus on the Tarot card
Take a shamanic drum in your hands. Tune in to the card,create the rhythm of the card and immerse yourself in the journey into the card itself.Each day, follow the order of one card and practice accordingly.
After 33 days, you will be ready to explore the Tarot spreads of the Wisdom of the Ancestors.
Every day, draw a card with the mindset for the day ahead. Create the rhythm of this card and then follow the card’s recommendations.

6. Ask the Spirit
We are learning how to resolve our situations. Situation with a problem.
Tune in to the situation, just as you do during the evening Sampo ritual. At this moment, a shamanic drum rhythm is created. The shamanic drum amplifies what you feel. Visualize the phantom of the situation in front of you in the form of a sphere. It contains the entire problem.
You see the energy of the situation. Not the people, but the energy of the situation itself. Now, align yourself to resolve the situation.
The rhythm of the shamanic drum changes. You see and feel the desired outcome and amplify this energy using the rhythm of the shamanic drum.
Depending on the complexity of the situation, perform this ritual on the 7th, 14th, and 21st day. Or every day.
7. Shamanic Rhythm of Luck and Success
We are learning how to resolve positive situations. For example, you want your day to be more efficient and effective.
Take steps while standing. Visualize the path of your destiny in front of you for the entire day.
Create a shamanic drum rhythm that strengthens your wishes and plans for the day. You clearly see all the events of the day and visualize them as emotionally and in as much detail as possible, continuously
maintaining a rhythm with the shamanic drum. Perform this ritual on the 7th, 14th, and 21st day, or on a regular basis.
8. Shamanic ritual "Voice of Ancestors"
Working with the Ancestors. You will need a shamanic icon of the Family Tree and a Khomuz.
Place the Family Tree icon on the altar.
Sit in front of the altar, holding the shamanic drum in your hands, with the Khomuz resting on the altar.
Practice this for 21 days, 10 minutes each day.

Learn more about how a shaman instills a spirit into an amulet in the series "Animated Masterpiece."
Tune into your Family Tree. Feel it in your spine. Beneath your feet are the roots, the spine is the trunk, and the crown is above your head.
Now, set the shamanic drum aside and take the Khomuz. Begin to play the Khomuz, and at the same time, feel the power of the ideal Family Tree flowing from the Family Tree icon into your family, into the roots of the family, the trunk of the family, and the crown of the family.
At the end of the exercise, tune into the future of your lineage and create the rhythm of the future you wish to pass on to your children.
We also recommend watching videos on shamanic knowledge and practices on the YouTube channel.
9. Shamanic Initiation of the Four Worlds
Important: Regular participation in shamanic initiations is essential.
Shamanic Initiation of the Four Worlds:
- Initiation of the Goddess Umai
- Initiation of Ulgen Khan
- Initiation of Erlik Khan
- Initiation of Tengri Khan
Shamanic tradition involves the transmission of knowledge and the power of spirits from heart to heart.
Therefore, it is crucial to attend live seminars and gatherings, as well as visit shaman assemblies and school seminars.
However, even now, without leaving your home, you can immerse yourself in the living world of spirits, the world of shamanism, through a unique animated masterpiece.

10. Becoming a Shaman
Acquiring a shaman’s hat (Hayratnik), a shaman’s costume, and a shaman’s name.
For a deeper exploration of the topic, it is recommended to become familiar with the book
At the provided link, you will find all the steps on how to reach the 7th Heaven.
We also recommend watching videos on shamanic knowledge and practices on the YouTube channel.
If you have any questions, please write to the shaman.
If something does not work, ask the teachers.
You can reach out at: