Second Birth of the Lineage –
Transformation of the Ancestral Scenario


📆From 23.05.2024 to 30.05.2024
🚗23.05 – Arrival
✨24.05-28.05 – Days of the mystical retreat
🎁29.05-30.05 – Additional days and training of the Global Spirit School

🪶The International Congress of Healers is a gathering of healers taking place in the form of a retreat workshop.

Through 💫deep sacred transformation practices and effective healing methods, training and profound cleansing of the karma of the lineage are conducted with the goal of rewriting the life scenario of the ancestral line. It opens the path to destiny, resolves issues of financial well-being, heals relationships, and leads to self-healing. At the end of the congress, a 🎉📜HEALER CERTIFICATE will be issued.

Often in our life, everything does not go as we dream. But if we desire something: to be healthy, wealthy, and loved – then it is envisioned in our life scenario, the soul knows this experience of joy, prosperity, harmony, love, and abundance.😇🕉💐

Testimonials 👇🏻



✨⁉️So, what prevents us from being happy?💁🏻‍♀️

It is the ⚖️karma of the lineage, manifesting in karmic knots.🎗 Often a very talented person, a soul of high destiny, lives an unhappy scenario not of their fate. This occurs due to a series of wrong decisions by our ancestors, which create knots in the aura.

These knots then block everything good:
🧬our possibilities
🧬our self-expression
🧬the freedom to be happy, self-sufficient, rich both spiritually and materially.

✨⁉️How to help?

🕌🪬According to the prediction of ancient civilizations, at the beginning of the 21st century, an incredible event of planetary scale will occur on Earth – a simultaneous beneficial energetic influence of the Sun and Moon. 🌞🌄🌜

🌟This moment has arrived!
From May 23 to May 30 at the Place of Power.

You will see unresolved karmic situations of the lineage and will be able to untie karmic knots with the energy of these two celestial bodies.

🌛The energy of the Moon unties female karmic knots, meaning it:

💫Opens up a happy female destiny
💫Helps to forgive the mother and gain understanding in relationships with children.
💫Leads to the harmonization of personal life and relationships with a partner
💫Restores health
💫Allows for a deep experience of one’s own integrity and self-sufficiency.

☀️Solar energy frees from the knots of the male lineage – it provides:

🔸Understanding in relationships with men
🔸Forgiveness of the father
🔸The attainment of luck in affairs
🔸Abundance and luck of the lineage. Strong descendants are the foundation of the lineage’s prosperous future
🔸The ability to act effectively and successfully in everything.

By going through all stages of the retreat, you are forming a new destiny scenario for the entire lineage. This is a new birth of the Lineage.🌟❤️🙏🏻


🌿Acquaintance with the Lineage. Meeting with your ancestors
🌿Creating your own healing space, methods for healing yourself, your ancestral line, and animals
🌿Ecology of karma of the lineage. Cleansing and healing with the drum and shamanic instruments
🌿Releasing the souls of deceased members of the lineage
🌿Removing blocks in the ancestral channels (channels of love, money, and health)
🌿Cultivating the Ancestral Financial Tree – bring a memorable item from your ancestral line
🌿Meeting with the primal woman of the ancestral line. Return of female power
🌿Meeting with the Council of Elders of the ancestral line. Receiving an important message for further life
🌿Ritual of Healing for the male and female lines of the ancestral line. A gratitude and forgiveness ritual to cleanse from the heavy ancestral programs we carry. Releasing resentment and general ancestral pain
🌿Descendants of the ancestral line – our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren… our projects, creativity, our dreams. We will touch on issues of childhood non-recognition, violence, and healing these deep traumas through love
🌿The significance of Agartha in the history of the lineage. Gaining magical abilities


⭐️Basic Package

First level of the 3 karmic situations

800 € 

• Technical part (accommodation, meals)
• Seminar program


⭐️Standard Package

Second level of the 5 karmic situations


• Technical part (accommodation, meals)
• Seminar program
• Group ritual “Erasing personal history”
• Group ritual “Forming a new life scenario”


⭐️Extended Package

Third level of the 7 karmic situations


• Technical part (accommodation, meals)
• Seminar program
• Group ritual Erasing personal history
• Group ritual Forming a new life scenario

Exclusive “Initiation into the shaman of the lineage”


Remember, the most important thing in this work is an open heart and the great desire to cleanse and heal your lineage!

All the best, love, and peace to you and your lineage! 🤲❤️