💫A unique spiritual Animated Masterpiece based on the great mind-transforming book “Life after life” has been released💫
This animated film depicts deep meaning and gives answers to all life’s questions, in its entirety. Check it out for yourself and watch the animated film carefully.

Hurry up and follow the link and watch the Animated Masterpiece “Life after life”!
More episodes are coming soon 🔥


Ritual to prepare for an individual session:

Dear soul, congratulations that very soon you will receive the great power of an individual ritual! Darling, 60% of the success of this ritual depends on you and on your preparation for it. So follow the instructions below and your destiny will change for the better! It is ideal to follow all the recommendations, but even one of them helps a person to tune in to the Energy Flow of the ritual.

1. If possible, take a shower while reciting the mantra: “I accept the cleansing.”

2. When you eat, try to eat light, tasty food. You can make your favorite tea with ginger and lemon. Eat while listening to transformation music:


This will allow you to be filled not only with the biological energy of food, but also with its subtle light component – prana.

3. Ideal if you dance before the ritual! Turn on your favorite music; you can use divine chants.


Let the theme of your dance be the great faith in the ability to change and help the kind of other beings become happy! If you need to calm down, breathe for a few minutes along with the beats of the pulse: for 5-7 beats of the pulse you inhale and for 5-7 beats you exhale.

And if you want to wake up your energy, you can do shamanic fiery breathing: take frequent inhalations and exhalations without pauses, inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth or exclusively through your nose, helping yourself with active movements in the rhythm of breathing. active transformation music:


4. It is important to complete the following 3 points:

– It is very good if you have headphones, in which it will be easier to hear everything that the Spirits transmit to you.
– Prepare a place for your computer or phone where you will place it (preferably vertically in the case of a phone) so that you have free hands during the ritual.
– Check by turning on the camera of your phone or computer, can you see clearly? It’s important to test Zoom and What’sApp on your phone – do they work well? Is there sound and is the camcorder working? If possible, ask one of your friends to help you test the connection. Remember that the Force Guide will call you from distant Places of Power, so the connection must be very good.

5. You can sit or lie down during the ritual. Prepare a comfortable space for the safe flight of your Soul through the Glowing Worlds of the subtle plane during the ritual.

6. Try to wear the right color for your ritual. Unless otherwise recommended, wear light clothing or an item of light clothing such as a scarf. When you say, “I am a channel of Divine Power!” then your clothes will become a channel of Light.

7. Remember that Spirits and Higher Powers determine the time of the call. And it depends on many circumstances: planetary aspects, family karma, etc. So do not worry, pray if the call does not happen exactly at the right time. Your ritual will definitely take place when the portal with the Higher Forces opens.

Read from a wise spiritual book:

Do practice from the site:


Ask for help from your Avatar guide and your Mentor, and it will definitely come! May the joy of your heart and the expectation of miracles help you be in harmony with the Magic that will surely come, which will definitely happen! Are you ready to heal, change your life to help many people?

Then with God!