For a very long time, I could not sell my parents' house, as I had problems with the papers. The price was already lowered for the buyers, but the house was never sold. Someone recommended that I go through a ritual for good luck to solve this issue, but I was not completely sure. Still, an inner feeling gave me the strength to take this step. I have gone through the rite! It was something amazing! The shaman's strength surprised me. Although it was done online, I heard a shamanic tambourine and felt like I was in the forest at a place of power. I was so happy when a client called two days later and said that he was ready to buy my house at any price. We immediately made a deal and sold the house, which I had not been able to sell for 5 years.
This individual rite will help solve difficult situations in your life to sort out those problems that have bothered you for a long time. This ritual will bring you good luck in business and success in the material and spiritual spheres. It is favorable to go through this rite before making deals, conducting important meetings, or starting a new activity. It protects against fraud and financial losses. This rite will help attract a long-awaited meeting with your soulmate and strengthen this union. It is favorable to pass this rite before a new stage in your life and in the lives of your loved ones.


    • Do the "Sky-Earth" practice
    • Go jogging every morning and feed the spirits of your city
    • Work with the magical amulet obtained in the rite by taking it in your right hand and making three circles clockwise, pronouncing your wish. Perform this practice to the transformation music "DZAYAN DZAYACHI"