50 €
After a lineage diagnostics, I understood the causes of problems of my family and friends. I got a recommendation and now I found out that I would soon be an aunt and that my sister was pregnant. She has been dreaming about it for more than 5 years. I am so happy! I thank the shaman and open myself up to the wonders.
Watch a video about Lineage Diagnostics
Each of us wants his loved ones to never face diseases, financial problems, or cheating. That is why we put so much effort into their happiness. We work, care about wealth and health, and protect them. Shamanism teaches us that a person’s destiny stays behind his entire lineage.
Ancestors give each of us a unique karmic program, talents and abilities, and a positive energy. But at the same time, a person can encounter many problems.
The destiny of a person turns into a continuous strength test. “How can I save my Lineage from problems and failures? How do I make it prosperous and rich?” you ask.
The Force Conductor advises us to diagnose the lineage, to study several generations along the maternal and paternal lines, and get an answer to your question.
After the diagnostics, many karmic situations will begin to be solved. You will be surprised how easy it will be to get everything for you and your loved ones.


  • Listen to Music of Transformation, which will harmonize the relationship in the family
  • Learn what is famous for your lineage and praise your family
  • Put An Object of Power down on the photograph of your family to protect the lineage