Episode 1. The Chosen. The Star Messenger.

⭐ How does an emergency meeting of the Synclite of Galactic Coordinators take place?
⭐ What does a powerful galactic crystal look like, reflecting centuries-old events?
⭐ What does the King of the Circle of Great Teachers pray for?
⭐ What are the predictions of the Hierarch about what awaits Earth in the future?
⭐ Why did the Holy Trinity summon Jesus Christ?
⭐ What is a generational curse and how does it affect children?
⭐ Why did the Coordination Council choose the priest of Sirius for the mission to save Earth?

Episode 2. Initiation. The Star Messenger

⭐ How can life on Earth be turned into a paradise?
⭐ How can you remember your past lives?
⭐ Find out if you have relatives on other planets!
⭐ A person with a fiery aura. Who is that?
⭐ Is it possible to read other people’s thoughts?
⭐ How can you discover if you came from Sirius?
⭐ How did the Sirians transition from destruction and star wars to a state of constant happiness?
⭐ How do viruses brought from the darkest corners of the universe affect life on Earth?
⭐ What mantra should you chant to reclaim your life force?
⭐ What happens on the subtle plane when a rainbow appears on Earth?

Episode 3. Signs of Sirius. The Star Messenger

⭐️ How can you tell if someone is an alien or a human?
⭐️ A settlement of happy people – is there such a place on Earth?
⭐️ How can biological age be stopped?
⭐️ How many Sirians live on Earth?
⭐️ What is hidden in human memory?
⭐️ The future of Earth’s civilization – what do they say about it on Sirius?